Aircom > News



Discover AIRCOM®’s technical updates: new products, innovations in spray gun components and company news.

Laser Customization

Find out how to get laser customization on your products

Read more 22 April 2024

ECO: updates

Check out the latest updates on the ECO pistol: here’s what we’ve improved.

Read more 24 October 2023

Continuous Innovation

We have invested in the purchase of a new lathe to obtain greater precision: discover the features and how it works!

Read more 5 June 2023

Head, needle and nozzle

Find out how to replace the head, rod and nozzle on an AIRCOM® automatic spray gun.

Read more 27 January 2021

The new needle bushing

Discover the new needle bushing mounted by AIRCOM® on spray guns

Read more 15 January 2021


We have invested in the purchase of a new lathe to achieve greater precision: discover the features and how it works!

Read more 25 November 2020